Saturday, July 5, 2008

day 17

Today is the late day is room 12s late day to do the 17 days to made a difference.Today I made a difference by cleaning up my brothers room.When I told him that I made his bed he do not say anything he just walked away.but I know he was pleased because 1 hour later he said thank you Nicole.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Day 16

Today I made a didderence by helping my mum bring the gas bottle up to the house and take the old one that had nothing in it into the car.Because she had hurt her hands and she can;t carry anything heavy.I kno she was please because she said thank you.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Day 15

Today me and my mum with shopping at Botany to get some cloths from Pumpkin Patch for my cousin birthday.We had got lots of dress and cloths from there and my mum had a saw hand so I caryyed her hold on then for her.When she had finish paying I held the bays till we finish shopping.She said Thank you Nicole for holding the bags for me.